Tracks 1.5

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Version: Tracks 1.5

I’m delighted to announce the release of Tracks 1.5 final!

New features since Tracks 1.043:

Some highlights of this release:

  1. Show from date allows you to postpone the appearance of actions in the list until you can do something about them (like a ‘tickler’)
  2. Tagging of actions
  3. Simple management of users (deleting users through the web interface)
  4. Import and export of data in various formats
  5. Fantastic RESTful API to provide access to actions via scripts
  6. Mobile interface designed for use on mobile phone browsers
  7. Improved ease-of-use for installation and upgrading
  8. Optional support for authentication via OpenID or LDAP
  9. Update to Rails 1.2.3
  10. Per-user time zone preference
  11. Use autocomplete fields for Project and Context specification to support on-the-fly adding of each
  12. Add a “Hidden” status to projects
  13. Add optional Default Context for a Project
  14. Add ability to sort projects alphabetically
  15. Add “starring” of actions
  16. Statistics page with graphs
  17. Rake task to set password. Usage: rake tracks:password USER=username

There are also some bug fixes since 1.5rc1:

  • You can now use tags containing dots
  • Badge count on tag page works properly
  • Auto-complete drop down menu works properly
  • New todos that belong to hidden or completed projects are not added to the home page or context page
  • Now report revision number from TRACKS_ROOT instead of the current directory. To use this fix if you’re using 1.5 or trunk, you need to recreate your environment.rb from the template
  • When viewing a context, actions without projects are now shown
  • Various improvements to rendering time on home page when you have a lot of todos
  • Edit form now uses the correct default context after you have changed it
  • Clears completed_at field when you mark a completed task as incomplete again
  • New tests for new features and bug fixes

As ever, many thanks are due to everyone who has helped on this release, particularly Reinier Balt.

Update 2008-04-01: Updated the zip package so that Tracks displays the correct version number (1.5).

NEW! All-in-one installation!

If you want an easy, automated install which includes everything you need, download the BitNami Tracks Stack. There are versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (PPC and Intel). It includes Tracks 1.5, and now sets up an admin account for you as part of the installation process.

